Ensure to request your card at the time of your Initial event.

This reward applies to all Event Types!

Initial Event: Receive your Rewards Card by the Game Coach

1st event: 5% Discount

2nd event: 10% Discount

3rd event: 20% Discount

4th event: 25% Discount

5th event: Free 2HR Video Game truck or Laser Tag with all additional Equipment!


Q: Already a Previous Customer?

A: No Worries ROU will ensure to take care of you!

If you have conducted multiple events with us in 2017 & 2018. No worries! We are applying the total events booked to our current program and the discounts towards your next booking!

Ex: Previous Customer with a Total bookings of 2 / We will apply your 3rd booking at the 2nd event: Discount!

Which will make it that much closer to your free 2-Hour  Event with Family & Friends.